Tower Hill takes character education seriously; we believe that development begins in early childhood and should continue throughout one’s lifetime, extending well beyond the classroom. Starting in preschool, we introduce children to our school Code of Conduct, which stipulates that students should be respectful, responsible and honest school citizens. This expectation guides student development through 12th grade and beyond, inspiring our students’ growth as individuals and community members.

Lower School

Code of Conduct

As a citizen of the Lower School, I pay attention to the world around me. I recognize and celebrate the ways that we are both different and the same. I think about how my actions and words impact others. I am kind, honest and respectful. I understand that it is my job to take care of my environment and school community. I work together with my friends and teachers to make my school a safe and welcoming place for all of us.

Middle School

character education honor respect

Code of Conduct

As a member of the middle school COMMUNITY at Tower Hill, I have agreed to follow and sign the Character Code of Conduct described below, created and written by Middle School students.

  1. I will be RESPECTFUL toward my classmates and their belongings. I will be mindful of what I say to other people whether it is on paper, through an electronic device, or spoken out loud.
  2. I will be KIND and treat my classmates the way I want to be treated.
  3. I will demonstrate all of these character traits on a daily basis by actively participating in class, by keeping my locker clean and my belongings organized, by seeking out a teacher for help when I am struggling and by being RESPONSIBLE for everything I put my name on.

Suggested responses when students witness others violating any of the codes of conduct:

  • Confronting the individual as soon as you can, telling the student you saw what happened.
  • Ask the student to turn themself in to the teacher most connected to the situation.
  • Reporting the student to a teacher yourself.
  • Letting your advisor or parent know what has happened and seeking advice from them.

Honor Code

Tower Hill provides an enriched and challenging program in which each student’s abilities and talents are recognized and respected. The Tower Hill community places honesty as its highest value and feels that a community of trust must be maintained through the effort of students, faculty, administrators and parents.

All work that is to be done for a subject should be the work of only that student, unless the assignment is a group project or one on which collaboration has been specifically required, suggested or permitted by the teacher. This includes all exams, tests, quizzes, classwork and homework. Students are not to communicate unannounced quizzes or tests or the contents of quizzes or tests to students in other sections. Copying another student’s homework is always an honor code violation. All work should be created by the student unless otherwise referenced, including that generated by AI (artificial intelligence tools like Chat GPT).

Upper School

character education honor respect

Code of Conduct

In fostering strong character development and a positive culture, our goal is to maintain a secure, challenging and nurturing school in which and because of which students thrive. We strive to help students to develop and maintain a strong sense of their own integrity and a respect for others. To promote this goal, students are expected to be honest, kind, socially responsible, diligent and dignified.

Students are held to a high standard of integrity and are expected to appropriately seek help and report problems when difficult or questionable circumstances arise. We encourage students to seek help and report problems on their own without parental involvement as much as possible to take ownership for their own growth and the stewardship of their community.

The standards of student conduct are designed to provide students with guidance to help them meet the goals and expectations of our community. The list of rules and policies should be read carefully. Violations will result in serious consequences, up to and including suspension or dismissal from school. Students may also be held responsible for any damage or harm that they cause to individuals, property and/or the school community at large.

Honor Statement

As a member of the Tower Hill community, I pledge to uphold the core values of honesty, responsibility, and respect and will not lie, cheat, mislead or steal. I will commit to the spirit and letter of this code by making good decisions, leading by example and taking accountability for my actions. I realize I am responsible for enforcing the Honor Code by reporting any infraction I witness or become aware of within the community. I agree to comply with this Honor Statement and the policies outlined in the Upper School Student Handbook.

Honor Pledge

The following Honor Pledge is required for any work submitted for credit or a grade: On my honor, I have neither given nor received any unauthorized assistance on this assignment or assessment.