We aim to develop global scholars to be prepared for an interconnected world through numerous cross-cultural experiences that go well beyond the traditional academic curriculum; this approach fosters interdisciplinary discussion and a multitude of opportunities for community engagement.

Beginning in Lower School, students are introduced to the Spanish language and participate in a “passport program.” International trips start in Middle School and Upper Schoolers have the opportunity to travel abroad, participate in service learning experiences and graduate with a Global Scholar Certificate.

Exchange Programs

global exchange travel

Faculty members have organized ongoing exchange programs with schools in France, Australia and Denmark, and Tower Hill welcomes international students from across the globe.

Tower Hill has an annual international student exchange program for juniors and seniors with Rungsted Gymnasium in Denmark. The school also has an exchange program for sophomore and junior girls with St. Catherine’s School in Melbourne, Australia, which is offered every other year.

Study Abroad

Tower Hill has long offered international travel for students, with destinations including Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, Peru, Australia, Canada, France, Italy and Spain. In 2023-2024, Upper School language students visited Puerto Rico, France and Italy during the school year.

In June 2024, a select group of Spanish students traveled to Uruguay for a two-week, language immersion program. The students took classes every day at Academia Uruguay, where they earned their certificates of completion, and spoke exclusively in Spanish during the 18-day trip. The group also went on tours, visited museums, spent two days in Buenos Aires, Argentina and immersed themselves in the culture. A highlight of the trip was visiting Colegio Pallotti, a school similar to Tower Hill in Montevideo. The students visited English and literature classes and did a bunch of games and activities together. ¡Qué divertido!

Global Scholar Certificate Program

global leaders capstone

Tower Hill’s Global Scholar Certificate Program provides Upper School students with opportunities to explore global dynamics, leadership and cultural growth. Participating students complete academic coursework related to global inquiry, educational travel, extracurricular enrichment and service with a global focus. Seniors in the program produce a research portfolio related to a global issue of personal interest.

Additional Studies

In addition to the academic requirements, students:

  • Participate in an independent study or enrichment opportunity, such as Model United Nations;
  • Contribute to a service learning project or organization, such as:
    •  tutoring in a foreign language,
    •  volunteering where language skills are a necessary component of the task,
    •  volunteering with an organization that is global in nature,
    •  and participate in an international exchange or travel experience sponsored by Tower Hill.

Throughout their senior year, students complete a culminating portfolio focusing on a sustainable solution to a global development challenge that includes research, self-reflection and an oral presentation. Participating students receive a global scholar certificate and a notation on their transcripts. To apply, students must be interviewed and explain why they are interested in the program, what they hope to learn and what in their opinion makes a person a global citizen.